Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Just Don't Get It

I just don't get some people.  I'm trying to decide if my morning was just people not thinking, or if it was a form of passive-aggressive in some way.  I may be reading too much into it calling it passive-aggressive, but that's sort of the way it felt.

So here's the relevant info you need for this to hopefully make sense....I'm the "lead" staff person to a committee, which basically just means if something doesn't get done, I'm the one that gets blamed.  Said committee is trying to go "paperless", i.e. we're not making copies of all the handouts & PowerPoint's, etc. but rather uploading them to a committee website that people can view on their own device or print out a hard copy if they so desire.  Said committee was meeting at 1:00 pm today, and yesterday was a holiday.

So I sent a quick note Friday to some other staff that I was assuming they would upload their presentations to the website themselves, but if they needed me to do it, just send them to me.  One (A) responded his was still a draft & he'd upload it this morning.  I got an out of office message for the other (B). 

This is how my morning went....

Email from B to me - Oh I sent my presentation to the committee clerk last week
Email from me to B & clerk - Clerk, could you upload what B sent you to the website, or send it to me & I'll upload it.
Email from B to me & clerk - A will upload mine when he gets back from a meeting.

2 hours later....

Phone call from clerk to me: - Do you want me to upload these presentations to the website? Me: Yes, if you have B's presentation, please upload it, as I haven't received a copy.  Do you know anything about A's presentation?  Clerk:  Oh yes, he emailed it to the other clerk this morning and she sent it to me.  Oh and he just sent an email saying he's still in a meeting so could I upload his presentation to the website. Me:  If you would upload them both, that would be great.  Clerk:  Do you want me to send you the presentations? Me:  Yes, please!

30 minutes later, and now an hour & a half before the meeting....

Email from B to me - A is still tied up in a meeting, do you want to to go ahead and upload my presentation?  (and finally attaches a copy of the presentation)

Email from me to B - Clerk has already done it.

I have to add that both A & B are in another division and are staff that I haven't worked with much, but it's common knowledge that B likes to be in control, so maybe that's why I read more into this.  But I just wanted to say WTF people???? Just send me the damn presentations and I'll put them up on the website!

On a positive note, the meeting went well and was a lot shorter than I had anticipated.

I haven't had time to come up with my Twisted Mix Tape for the week yet, so it will have to be a Twisted Wednesday instead of Tuesday this week.

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