Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back again

We lost Sable last month.  She decided to dart out the door one night and by the time we found her a couple of days later, she had run into things bigger and badder than she could handle.  She was a weird cat, but a lover in her own way, and I still find myself looking for her and expecting her to show up at various times.  On the other hand, our other indoor cat, Gicho, doesn't seem to be upset at all to be the only indoor cat now. 

Lots of little things going on since my last post, but nothing earth shattering.  My mental attitude about work is better.  Primarily because I just decided to let things go, but there have also been a few minor changes that have helped somewhat.

We're off to the John C. Campbell Folk School next week and I can't wait.  I'll be learning to tat lace and Rob will be learning blacksmithing.  I hope to do a couple of posts with some pics while we're gone if I can get a data signal on my phone to upload things. 

The week after that I'm going to the Writers' Police Academy which should be a lot of fun.  Hopefully it will provide me some inspiration to do some more writing.  I've been doing some snippets here and there, but haven't been able to really get into a story lately.

So two whole weeks away from work.  I don't know if I'll be able to come back after that!

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